Dial Family Foundation

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In 2012, David and Susan Dial decided that as they grow older, they wanted to ensure that they continue to share the Lord’s blessings with others and that the giving continues indefinitely, even after their lives have ended.  Just as importantly, they wanted to share the joy of giving with their sons and their growing families.  As a result, The Dial Family Foundation was formed.

The mission of The Dial Family Foundation is to continue and expand the charitable efforts of David and Susan and to truly make it a family affair.  The family, as a team, works together to identify and investigate primarily local charities, providing assistance to causes consistent with the Dial family’s beliefs and interests.  The selection process is chiefly governed by the recognition of people, organizations, and activities that have positively influenced the lives of the Dial family, their friends, and of course, others that have inspired them.  In addition, specific causes which are consistent with the values of The Dial Family Foundation will continue to be identified and added to the entities already support by The Dial Family Foundation.

Moreover, it is important to The Dial Family Foundation that as much of its financial contributions directly benefit those in need or to whom assistance is provided.  It is for this reason that most of the support goes to smaller charities which have immediate impact on the lives of people in need.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

– Joshua 1:9

The Dial Family Foundation will use its resources to assist in a variety of endeavors including, but not limited to, providing educational scholarships, promoting and providing children’s healthcare, assisting underprivileged parents in meeting the needs of their children, promoting and furthering Christian beliefs and values, providing substance abuse, counseling, and rehabilitation, supporting research and care for those afflicted with cancer, Alzheimer’s and other debilitating diseases, supporting veterans of the United States military, especially those wounded in service, and providing support for numerous athletic teams and organizations at all levels.

The core of the Dial Family Foundation is sharing, helping, and making family a priority.  God has blessed us, and we are grateful and feel it is our calling to help others.  The Dial Family Foundation is our means of fulfilling that mission.